This year birthday was a very special one to me. Even though i knew that birthday is also called 母难日,but i never really understand the meaning of it deep dwon in my heart. But this year is a special one for me because i had become a mother, i know how it feel to carry a baby inside you for 9 months and how excited and yet scary experinece of delivery to a child. So, i can really appreciate the real meaning of birth date - It was not about me or celebrating it with family or fren, but it is truely a thankful day, a day that u should say thank to your mum for giving you a life while risking her's.
I called my mum this morning to say thank to her and while i was saying so, my tear dropped, i dont know why...but i feel really great about it. I knew she will be very happy to hear what i had said too...just hope that it is not too late :)
For my future birthday, i shall continue to say thanks to her and be toghether with her - THANKS MOM!!!
It's never too late :) The worst is realize but never do it. I think you are good, called your mom and expressed your feeling once you realize it :D
Happy be-lated birthday! :)
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