Sunday, August 31, 2008

51st Merdeka Day

Did you ever joined any Merdeka countdown before? Hmmm...frankly speaking i never :)
Think of the traffic congestion, sien d lar...
I watched the live from dataran merdeka through RTM1 for about 5min, noticed audience were majority Malay, hehe guess those chinese are as lazy as me who rather prefer to watch live at home :P
But sad to say that there is still some naive politician mention about Chinese are squatters in Malaysia...and then Bodowi just say that this politician doesnt mean to be racist or trying to spoilt the harmony between races...HAHA..if it is Chinese politician who say something about Malay, he might be given warning or request to say sorry already...but for this case, Bodowi say he will "remind" him not to say so again....Bullsh@#...

首相表示,任何领袖在大选期间什么事情都可能发生,因此他不认为巫统领袖阿末依斯迈在峇东埔补选期间被指发表“华人在大马是寄居者”的言论,乃存有破坏种族和谐的意思。阿都拉是本周六主持巫统柏淡区部会议后,受到华文报记者问及巫统升旗山区部主席拿督阿末依斯迈被指在补选期间於甘榜比乐出席国阵一助选活动时,曾当场发表“华人在大马是寄居者”(orang Cina hanya tumpang di Malaysia)言论一事时,如是回应。

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