Thursday, October 29, 2009

I feel motivated

Over the past 1 year time, i feel like life has less meaningful. Everyday when i wake up to work, i feel no motivation and always query myself what is my life for. This feeling has changed after having Kai Shuen. Even though i was tiring taking care of her, but i feel so satisfied and motivated each day. I dont know exactly why but i guess it is beacuase now that there is a small life depending on me, i have the responsibility and i became more strong :)

Taking care and playing with her is so much fun, especially now that she know how to smile back when i do the "ang gu gu" on her, she is such a clever gal, learn to smile and play ang gu gu in less than 1.5month times :)

Never thought that i could be so patient taking care of baby, but i did it, guess it is a mother nature. I must say great job to myself :)


mk said...

加油。她真的充满了动力 :)

Kelly Goh said...


**Shih Nyien** said...

She is cute :D